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Spiced Retreat Decor


In July 2017, Ashlyn received a powerful message from God through a prophet she had never met before—her first experience with such a gift. The following weekend, everything spoken during that encounter started to align perfectly, even though, at first, she was unaware it was happening.


While sitting at a bridal shower, surrounded by laughter as the bride-to-be unwrapped gifts of lingerie, a thought struck Ashlyn: "The excitement of new marriage deserves to be celebrated by wives who have been married for a while too! They need a boost to rekindle the spark that fades after the newlywed phase."


From that moment, God began to reveal the blueprint for Spiced Wife®. Since its launch in May 2018, this ministry has flourished globally, helping wives and marriages find renewed life and joy.


"If I can teach people from fallible textbooks and make a difference, then surely I can teach them from the infallible Bible to revive their spirits!" – Ashlyn


With this conviction, Ashlyn merges biblical teachings with her background in psychology to empower women, enhancing their spiritual and emotional well-being for richer, more fulfilling lives and marriages.

Retreat Laughs
Retreat Decor
Retreat Ladies
Worship Night
Marriage Group Session
Spiced Party
Morning Session

Meet Podcast Host and
Marriage Mentor

Ashlyn R. Watkins


Growing up in church all I heard about sex was, "no, no, no," but when I finally got married, I realized there was no one to teach me the "yes, yes, yes!" No one was readily comfortable giving me tips on how to do things in the bedroom with Godly confidence. I knew people were having sex, because the kid’s ministry kept growing!! So, someone knew something, but it was too hush-hush, No one taught boldly on building the spice in the bedroom.


Sex belongs to God! And while the myth has it that only husbands enjoy it… God wants us wives to like it, own it, and know it too! This is how Spiced Wife® began; helping wives who love Jesus, know Him deeper and enjoy the bedroom with their husband better. One thing led to another, and God began to show me that wives (including me) needed help also in understanding submission. From there, learning and teaching Biblical submission then revealed how much wives struggle with managing their emotions. Subsequently, all of that turned into a full-blown wife revival movement, all for the glory of God's love for marriage!


I have been married since 2012 and God has proven to be real through all He has revived us through. We have 3 vibrant children we are blessed to raise, and we have always loved living life in the bright state of California!


I deeply love Jesus Christ, and I would be nothing without God as my Father. He restored me from a life of shameful promiscuity, religious performance, legalism, and addiction. All of my ashes He has turned into beauty and even in hard times of suffering, He gives me treasures and so much joy!  


Ashlyn R. W.
Speaking at Cherish_C3
Speaking at Womens Event
Magazine Feature LA
Retreat Prayer
Marriage Retreat Speaking
Retreat Worship
Heart of Worship


At Spiced Wife®, we recognize that sex is not a sinful thing when experienced for the purpose God designed it for. We are about building wifely sisterhood, and taking a firm stand against gossip, arrogance, slander, and negative criticism. We are all about building trust, laughter, kindness, and honesty. We take off the make-up and have compassion for each other, we hold each other accountable by adjusting the woman in the mirror first. We are a community that is truly built on the love and correction of Jesus.


  • We believe in God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

  • We believe Jesus came to earth free of sin and died on the cross for our sins so that we might be reconciled back to God.

  • We believe that Jesus rose from the grave and will return one day to take His people away from the earth.

  • We are not affiliated with any specific religious denomination or church; our foundation is based solely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit & Scripture.

  • We believe in keeping God first in our lives and marriages between one man and one woman.

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