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What Wives Are Saying

Choose Your Program Below

Improve communication, resolve conflicts, enhance intimacy, identify unhealthy patterns, rebuild trust, prevent future problems, and have a marriage GOD approves of!  

Three female friends using smart mobile phone device sitting on sofa at home - Happy young

Spiced Wife Community

The Spiced Wife Community, formally known as the "Inner Circle," is a place where likeminded wives grow together through live group video calls with Ashlyn, exciting challenges, group fasts, prayer calls, and more! This community is holy, spiced, fun, and true sisterhood! Don't miss the next live call on the second Saturday of the month!

18 Week Wife Revival Program

The worst thing you can do is nothing at all. If counseling is $120 for ONE hour, then having access for 18 weeks at a fraction of that cost is an easy decision! This program has been proven (see the testimonies!!) to take your marriage to a place of abundance on earth and approval in heaven! Can you join if you're only engaged?.... Yes, be proactive!

Loving Couple

Sexual Revival Program

Learn how to overcome guilt, shame, discomfort, and setbacks in the bedroom with your husband. While the Spiced Wife podcast speaks on all bedroom topics and has proven to help wives overcome, this program takes you even deeper into revival of sexual confidence and enjoyment!

Motivation to Admiration

Overall, this 12-week focus offers numerous benefits for wives seeking to achieve their goals with greater focus, accountability, and efficiency. By completing this program, you can experience accelerated progress, increased motivation, and a greater sense of fulfillment in life endeavors. How can you love your neighbor without loving yourself? This program helps you to improve self-esteem by becoming a wife who is fulfilled mentally and spiritually, by setting and reaching personal goals. 

Image by micheile henderson

Bonus Program:
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

You don't have to wait until you are rich to stop living paycheck to paycheck. When I discovered this, everything changed, and I want to give you the tools I used to stop living in this limited reality! You can change things NOW! If you apply yourself, grace with do the rest!


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Your husband can change from YOUR change!

This wife was dealing with a husband who did not trust being close with her. After joining the WRP they now enjoy devotionals together!

Comments from wives who completed the program:

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"She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future."

- Proverbs 31:25

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