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Image by micheile henderson

Bonus Program:
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

You don't have to wait until you are rich to stop living paycheck to paycheck. When I discovered this, everything changed, and I want to give you the tools I used to stop living in this limited reality! You can change things NOW! If you apply yourself, grace with do the rest!

Image by Alisa Anton

"She makes sure her dealings are profitable;
her lamp burns late into the night."

- Proverbs 31:18

Image by Marga Santoso

​Revive Your Marriage in 5 Days! The eBook!

If you're not ready to join one of our programs, feel free to download the eBook that gives you the steps you need to revive your marriage in 5 days!


Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

You don't have to be rich to experience financial rest and freedom. You can step into an abundant life right now! I will show you the steps for how I did and do it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren't listed below, click here to ask.



Q: Who is this class for?

Biological women who are married to biological men with marriages they would like to be more fulfilled in. If you are a wife looking to reach your maximum potential in life, marriage, and the bedroom, then this class is for you.


Q: Who is this class not for?

Women who find a problem with every solution, who are anti-masculinity, and believe they are equal to the role of a man. Women who dislike the Bible. This is not a church or ministry program; it is a marriage restoration program built from Biblical principles. You don't have to believe the Bible to join the class, but the class is based on Biblical principles, and it won't be changed to fit your preference. This is a class that WILL prune you for the better, it's not for the faint in heart. It is wrapped in love and filled with hard truth, not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about healing your marriage but not actually serious, please don't waste your money or our time. 


Q: How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in the Revive Your Marriage Challenge. The General Admission is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $297, which includes backstage passes to watch and learn from the Zoom pre-challenge sessions as Ashlyn R. Watkins answers Q&A of VIP Ticket holders.


Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on podcast and YouTube?

While I do have content available on the Spiced Wife podcast, YouTube channel and inside the Spiced Wife mobile app, this is my premiere content on marriage fulfillment and bedroom confidence. It is also the first time I've created a challenge live for you ladies where you get life changing methods to improve your marriage. My one-on-one session is $10k so this is the best way to get live impactful help.  


Q: Are the challenge classes live?

Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings that are available for the limited time, posted in the Kajabi group.


Q: How does the 5-day challenge work?

Each day the challenge training will run from 12-1pm, with backstage additional ZOOM VIP training with questions from VIP ticket holders from 11am-12pm each day. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the "homework" tasks within the window provided. Both tickets will be given an eBook each day that you can keep for referring back to in day-to-day marriage. 


Q: Will I get direct feedback from Ashlyn?

Only if you purchase an upgrade of a Platinum VIP ticket, if you have the VIP Experience you will have a virtual backstage pass to watch and learn from the Q & A sessions each day. If you have General Admission, you will not have access to listen to the Q&A sessions prior to the general training.


You're a strong-willed wife of faith, in a marriage where the husband is not leading as you know he should. Your personalities are different, your pursuit of God and life are different. You want him to suggest a Scripture or pray with you, but it only turns into a fight. You want sex to be mind-blowing and bring you closer, but you seem to be living like roommates instead.

You often find yourself confused at how you're not thriving in the one thing you wanted so much: marriage! You should be having a marriage that fulfills you, not leaves you empty. The question do you get that? How do you help your husband change and save your marriage?

About the Retreat!

So this year, we are releasing control of our lives and marriages. Satan has been trying to destroy marriage and we will NOT bow down! We are handing it all to Jesus as we sharpen our spiritual weapons together! We will focus on how to connect to God deeper and of course, there will be much focus on how to enjoy the bedroom better! You will experience intimate unrushed worship, sessions with open discussions and questions, catered food, and so much more! Each wife will leave this weekend feeling spiritually refreshed and sexually confident!


Wives need to know they CAN learn how to enjoy sex with their husbands! Church lovingly provides so many great things, but tips on enjoying the bedroom have not yet made the list. So, Spiced Wife is making a change to that! God created sex for us, His people; Therefore, at the Spiced Wife retreat we stop feeling uncomfortable about it and come together to enhance our spice!


At this retreat, we leave all titles at home, and we come to a place of complete withdrawal so we can surrender to God. There is no competition, no drama, no gossip, no negativity whatsoever. We come together to build each other up and share our stories and lose all pride or shame. In one half of the retreat, we focus on growing our faith and learning how to get daily time alone with God. 


We learn how to know God as an individual without needing anyone's validation or approval for it. We feel complete freedom to cry, pray, lay before Jesus' feet all over the room, and surrender at the altar. We learn how to be in a room full of people but feel as if it's only you and God. There is no condemnation or judgment here, we talk through our mistakes, share our struggles and learn to rededicate our thinking to God. 


The second half of the retreat is dedicated to growing our spice with sessions about sex and confidence. We hear from professional sex and marriage therapists as well as from fellow wives to learn tips on how to be comfortable with our sexiness, our needs, and our roles. When you leave this retreat, you will go home a new wife! Not only a new wife in God but a new wife in the bedroom too! This is the perfect combination of retreat and conference that you will not want to miss! 

Stop trading time for money and start trading money for time!

This concept changed my life from drag to destiny! Money is replaceable, you can always get more. But TIME only runs out, there is no getting more, every day we get closer to the end of our life! SO, stop wasting your time being unhappy and unfulfilled with a miserable marriage! Pay for the GPS on how to fix it! 


Cherish your time and get to a fulfilling marriage faster! It has already been too many years lost, from you feeling drained and unhappy! 9-5 jobs have trained us to think that time is money because we give our time to get their money. But time is not money because time runs out and money always comes back.


That thinking stops here! Make your money work for your time! This challenge is buying back your time that would have been wasted on hopeless arguments and division in your home. 


No more lost time on misery, wondering if life would just be better if you were single or with another man. 
No more lost time on teary nights because you and your husband feel like roommates and can't peacefully resolve conflict!
No more lost time on small disagreement turning into explosive arguments!
No more lost time on feeling awkward, insecure, or uninterested in sex!
No more lost time on your husband not stepping to the plate leaving you to be the responsible one...


Need I even continue? ....

Use your money to change your life so you can enjoy more of your limited time!  


Wife Revival

A marriage counseling program for the WIFE!

  • Learn how to trust your husband's leadership and be the wife God wants you to be.
  • Are you more dominate and your husband more passive? Learn how to be strong yet enjoy being submissive.
  • Self-paced counseling program with over 20 life-changing lessons, to help you stop living like roomates!
  • Learn how to have difficult conversations with your husband, improve your communication skills.
  • Learn to transform your mindset to change your life and marriage.
  • If you or your husband wants to give up, following this program can turn things around!
  • Improve sexual confidence and desire. 


 Sexual Healing Workshop

Are you struggling with trusting your husband's leadership, submitting to him, or respecting him? Are you feeling dirty, awkward, or guilty about sex with your husband because of a strict religious upbringing or because of a bad sexual past (either his or yours)? This workshop will walk you through the steps you need to take to become fulfilled both in and out of the bedroom.  This workshop will deeply empower you as a whole in your calling as a wife! Your marriage will be revived and restored!


You don't have to guess and stress over where the issues are in your marriage. You can take a 35-minute assessment and receive a 16+ page report that tells you the overall wellness of your marriage. With this assessment you are able to narrow in on areas to work on and better understand each other. You will receive many tools and insight for building a lasting love! 

Proven 94% accuracy among thousands of couples! Discover your marriage DNA and see what needs improvement and why!



Inner Circle

Join the

Are you a strong-willed wife who longs to please God in your marriage? Do you desire to be more submissive as the Bible says? Do you need help with trusting your husband's leadership because he is not as spiritually strong or driven as you are?


The Wife Revival program will walk you through profound, life changing lessons of learning how to change you so that it will win over your husband. You will learn how to honor, respect, and submit to your husband without the feeling of being a "doormat." You will grow deeper in your relationship with God and live a life of abundant joy as Jesus promised in John 16:24! Your marriage will be a place of peace instead of pain!

Working at Outdoor Cafe_edited.jpg

If you change YOU everything else will fall into place. Give your husband to God, focus on restoring you to be prepared for what you've been praying for.


Apply to be enrolled in this transformative coaching program proven to deliver permanent & life-changing results in your marriage.


Are you struggling in your relationship, but don't even know where or how to start turning things around?


You have found your answer!


Click the button below to learn about this proven program & learn the most important steps you need to take to start rebuilding your marriage!

Join Waiting List
Read My Story


The Impatient Wife

No one plants a seed at night and then wakes up to a tree the next morning. Durable and long-lasting things take time, consistency, and endurance. True transformation is not a quick fix, fast-food service. If you follow this program and diligently seek to do good towards yourself and your husband, you WILL have a restored marriage if you don't faint & grow weary. 

The Closed-Minded Wife

If you know it all and believe your way is right then there is nothing to tell you. If I pour tea into a cup that is already full, the tea will overflow onto the ground and be wasted. In this program the tea is time. We do not want you to waste your time or money because you have not emptied yourself to receive. You must be willing to let go of all you know and desire to grow.

The Unwilling Wife

Actions speak louder than words. This program only works if you do. Stubbornness, blaming your husband, and laziness will not advance your life. This is a life-changing investment that will work if you are willing to sacrifice your time, effort, and resources. I give 100% focus to getting you from zero to hero, but I will not outwork you. YOU have to want this.



The Determined Wife

There is an R&B song lyric that says "when a woman's fed up, it ain't nothing you can do about it"... The best transformation starts when you are completely fed up with the arguments, silent treatments, violent communication, and feeling like roommates instead of husband and wife. When you are willing to do anything to revive your marriage, including focusing on the log in your eye and letting go of the speck in his, then you're ready to step into restoration. 

The Willing Wife

The best results are seen in the wife who is willing to carry her cross and follow Jesus. That means, you lay down demanding what's fair, you stop trying to prove your point, you listen more than you speak, you forgive without conditions, and you love without expectations. This requires deeper maturity, stability, and confidence that I will walk you through if you're willing to be bold enough to go against the grain and sometimes be misunderstood to be restored. 

The Honest Wife

It's easy to tell people about themselves, but are you able to take in what you're putting out? This is for the wife who is ready to face what she may have been ignoring about herself. Wearing a mask will cure nothing, being exposed to your own unhealthy habits, will build your immune system. To build strength you must face the pressure of your own history, family, decisions, weakness, and insecurities. This is not done in shame, but in safety, & compassion, if you are willing.

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